A different way

Last week I told you I had a dream of setting my feet on the sand. The way I thought I would do it turned out to be too difficult, but I found another way that made my dream come true. Not how I imagined, but still it happened for me. I wonder if you need to re-think your approach to achieve what you have dreamed about?

If you keep hitting a wall when you try to accomplish something, stretch your mind and look for another way. I’m thinking of people who have struggled to conceive getting to the point where they can consider adoption, or achieving a degree through the open university, or, like me, using a recumbent trike to get outside again.

It is so very hard to let go of our original dream, but so much more is possible if you look beyond it  If I made a list of all the things that other people have thought of to help me achieve something I thought was out of my reach, I would run out of paper. Some are crazy, like creating a sedan chair to carry me to the beach, or a sled for me to get down a steep hill, but others are definitely doable.

A cousin of my mum’s generously let me stay in her one-level cottage last week which had panoramic views of mountains and the sea. It brought many out-of-reach views closer. If you look past the paths you had always thought you’d been able to take, and consider another way, almost everything is possible.

The Easter story is the ultimate example. The Son of God did not bring the victory most expected. It looked like failure. But the agony of the cross led to the resurrection. Death was defeated and everlasting life made possible for anyone who asks.

So don’t give up. Don’t ever think that because the way you thought your life would be is not happening, that your dreams are no longer possible. When I first got on the trike, the man who made it possible had tears in his eyes. Because he saw he had given me a different dream.

Everything is possible, if you have the imagination and strength of mind to see a different way to achieve it. I really hope you do.

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